Here are some useful points to consider whilst considering how to make our music video look successful:
Lip Syncing
- Know your lyrics (One mistake could ruin the entire look of the video).
- Pronunciation (Words need to be clear to the viewer).
- Mouth what it sounds like.
- Only lipsync the lead singers words not the backup as it can ruin continuity.
- Play the song whilst miming.
- Lyrics tends to establish a general mood, feeling or sense of subject metter, rather than offering coherent meaning.
- Key lines may play a part in the associated visuals but rarely will a music video simply wholly illustrate the lyrics. Remember mise-en-scene.
- Take note of the tempo and pay attention to this during editing.
- Repeat with the beat.
- Some music videos do transcend genre while others can be categorised.
- Some music channels focus on genre, pay attention to this and think of what channels your video will be played on.
- Show genre conventions through; Mise-en-scene, narrative themes, performance, camera & editing style
- Take note of your camera movement, angles and shot distance.
- Camera movements may accompany the movement of the performers or be used to create a dynamic feel or disorientate.
- Close ups of the singer usually dominate.
- Usually fast paced, pay attention to the pace of your song